Letters from Siberia, including the Sepetys letters
On this disk are PDF copies of a total of 226 letters and 91 envelopes sent by Lithuanians who were deported to Siberia. There are also 16 receipts for packages sent from the United States and United Kingdom to Siberia, and 2 extensive reminiscences written by two deportees.
Included here are set of letters and photographs sent to Father Prunskis by Mr. Jonas Sepetys, the grandfather of Ruta Sepetys, who is the author of the best selling book "Between Shades of Gray". It is her grandfather's experiences that motivated Ruta to research her family background, and was the inspiration that drove her to write her book.
NOTE: All of the letters are in Lithuanian.
Audrius V. Plioplys MD, Organizer and Curator
Imaging by Audrius V. Plioplys